Sunday, July 7, 2019




 Objectives of the topic learning:
1.      Students can understand the process of occurrence of the lunar eclipse and the sun.
2.      Students can understand the level of lunar eclipse phenomenon.
3.      Students can understand the level of solar eclipse phenomenon.

Lunar Eclipse

(video from YouTube)


®    During lunar eclipse, earth comes between the sun and the moon, blocking the sunlight failing on the moon. During some stages of the lunar eclipse, the moon can appear as reddish. This is because the only remaining sunlight reaching the moon at that point is from the edges of the earth as seen from the moon’s surface. Lunar eclipse occurs three time a year and a few a hours once it happen.

1.      SUN

  • The sun is consider as the heart of our solar system.
  • The sun is a yellow dwarf star and hot ball of glowing gases at the middle of our solar system.
  • The connection and interaction of the sun and earth drives season, ocean currents, weather, climax radiation belts, auroras and source of light.
  • Sunlight moves in a straight line and cannot go through opaque object like earth.

2.      EARTH

  • The earth is in between the sun and the moon while the lunar eclipse occurs.
  • During the lunar eclipse, earth, sun and moon are in the straight line.
  • During the lunar eclipse, the earth blocking sunlight from falling to the moon. Therefore, earth shadow created on moon;s surface.
  • In addition, lunar eclipse happen in night time when the moon is at the full moon phase.

  • The whole dark surface or umbra is the area that covered fully from sunlight.
  • The penumbra is a half dark surface that the areas are not fully covered from the sunlight. In other words, there are some area that still have sunlight.

  • The partial lunar eclipse will be seen again when the moon moves out of the umbra area into the penumbra area.
  • The full moon eclipse can be seen when the entire moon's surface area in the umbra surface.
  • While, the partial lunar eclipse will begin to be seen when the moon started to moves from the penumbra area to the umbra area.


®    During lunar eclipse, earth comes between the sun and the moon, blocking the sunlight failing on the moon. During some stages of the lunar eclipse, the moon can appear as reddish. This is because the only remaining sunlight reaching the moon at that point is from the edges of the earth as seen from the moon’s surface. Lunar eclipse occurs three time a year and a few a hours once it happen.

1. SUN

  • Sun's light moves in a straight line and cannot go through opaque object like moon.
  • During the solar eclipse, some area will became dark like in a night time.
  • During solar eclipse, the sun is completely covered and the tenuous outer atmosphere of the sun is revealed.
  • It may last as long as 7 minutes 31 seconds, though most total eclipses are usually much shorter.

  • Moon will be between sun and earth while solar eclipse and the tree of them will be in a straight line.
  • During that time, sun will be seen as a dark circle with bright outlines that known as corona.
  • Solar eclipse can be seen at the shadow area in day time only and if  the moon is in the phase of new moon.
  • There are two parts of the moon's shadow which is penumbra and umbra.
    • Penumbra: the moon faint outer shadow, partial solar eclipses are visible from within the penumbral shadow.
    • Umbra: the moon dark inner shadow, total solar eclipses are visible from within the umbra shadow.

Moon phase

(video from YouTube, Moon phase)

·         The moon orbits earth about every 29 and half days. As it circles our planet, the changing position of the moon with respect to the sun causes our natural satellite to cycle through a series of phases:
o   New moon > new crescent > first quarter > waxing gibbous > full moon > waning gibbous > last quarter > old crescent > new moon (again).

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