Sunday, July 7, 2019




Objectives of the topic learning:
1.      Students are able to identify what is herbivores, carnivores, omnivores.
2.  Students are able to classify animals according to the types of eaters, whether they are herbivores, carnivores and omnivores.

This content are attached with picture and video for the students to learn.

Topics that will be learn:

1.      Herbivores animals.


·         Herbivores are at the second level of food chain and mainly eat plant.
·         Herbivores are considered primary consumers and are the first consumers on the food chain.
·     Herbivores animals such as deer, elephants and horses have teeth that are adapted to grind vegetable tissue.
·         Some herbivores are known as “frugivores”, because there are mainly eating fruits or leaves.
·         Herbivores came from two difference size, bigger-size and smaller-size animal.
·         Smaller-size herbivores animals:
o   Rabbits, snails, butterflies, worm, grasshopper
·         Bigger-size herbivores animals:
o   Horses, cows, zebras, deer, elephants, rhinoceros, panda.

2.      Carnivore animals


·         Carnivores are animals that sustain itself solely on any type of meat.
·         Carnivores often have sharper teeth or even fangs to tear up flesh.
·     Carnivores will prey on herbivores, omnivores or even carnivores depending on what food available.
·   There are two sizes of carnivores, which is bigger-size of carnivores and small-size of carnivores.
·         Small-size of carnivores:
o   Spiders, small birds, frogs, bats, fish
·         Bigger-size of carnivores:
o   Eagles, snakes, hawks, lion, tiger, crocodile, dog, wolves.

 Carnivores animals

(video from YouTube, carnivores animals)

3) Omnivores animals


·        An omnivores is an animals that has the ability to eat and survive on plant and animals matter
·       Omnivores will hunt and eat their food like carnivores, eating herbivores and other omnivores.
·         Some others are scavengers and will eat dead matter.
·         Omnivores eat plant but not all kind of plant such as grains and other plants that do not produce fruits.
·         Many omnivores will have some combination of the two which is flattering teeth and sharp teeth, allowing them to eating and digesting their food sources.
·         Omnivores came in three difference size, which are big-size, medium-size and small-size.
·         Bigger-size omnivores animals,
o   Bear, gorillas
·         Medium-size omnivores animals,
o   Raccoons, pigs and chickens.
·         Small-size omnivores animals,
o   Stilt bugs, cricket, earwig

Herbivores, Carnivores and Omnivores animals

(video from YouTube, Herbivores, carnivores and omnivores animals)

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